- Discipline

The students are required to maintain proper discipline while attending classes in Institute campus. Any breach of discipline and non-adherence to the rules and regulations, which may be in force from time to time, may lead to expulsion of students from the Institute. Any decision regarding this by the Principal is final and not subject to any explanation. It is hereby notified to all the students of this institute that use of mobile should be banned in the institute premises. Violating this rule will be a punishable offence. This is to notify all the students of this institute that they must wear a sober dress e.g. light coloured shirt and dark trouser. Shirt must be inserted. Wearing Jeans, T-Shirt or Casuals are strictly prohibited. Sleeve should be buttoned up in case of wearing full sleeve shirt.

- Examinations

D uring the course every student is evaluated through Module / Subject final Examination, which forms a part of the final evaluation. In addition the student is expected to attend quiz contest, PD Class and home assignments.
A student is said to have passed a subject if he secures 40% in aggregate.
A student who does not pass a subject or remains absent in the exam has to reappear for a re-exam which will be held within one month of subject exam date.
If a student appears for a re-exam then no extra class on that subject will be conducted for him. However he can take the guidance from his Course Co-ordinator personally in the institution.
The student in expected to pay Rs. 50/- as re-exam fees in any case.
The student who remain unsuccessful or absent in re-exam will get an Incomplete grade in his Certificate and no reevaluation test will be taken for the same.

- Transfers

A student is expected to complete the course along with the batch admitted to. Student cannot transfer the course from one financial year to another. Student has to complete the course within the stipulated time.
H owever, in exceptional cases the facility to transfer may be permitted from one batch to another which ends within the committed date to him. It also depends on the availability of the seats.
The student is required to provide the following at the time of transferring into the new batch: Proof of original admission in the form of the receipts and Identity card. Proof of transfer request having been duly approved by the Centre Coordinator.
On a transfer being approved he has to deposit his old identity card & Rs.50/- for new identity card.
Any student who is absent for 30 consecutive calendar days without prior written permission from Centre Co-ordinator will be considered to have dropped out of the batch. Such a student wishing to be reinstated into the course will have to get special permission from the Centre Coordinator. The Centre Coordinator will decide the appropriate module in which the student will be reinstated.

- Cancellation of Admission

For a student who has opted to pay the tuition fee in installments, non payment of any installment by the last date for payment would lead to the student admission being cancelled.
A student is expected to maintain proper discipline and decorum within the premises of the Institute. Non-adherence to the norms can lead to a student being barred from attending any course at the Institute.
Any student found using unfair means during examination, or using threatening language or contravening any of the rules of the institute will be barred form attending any course at the Institute.

- Certificates

S uccessful students having over 75% attendance will be awarded a certificate along with a grade report. Students who are found unsuccessful after the final exam may be issued a grade report.
A student’s overall performance in a course is based on the weighted aggregate of his score in each subject exam. The weighted structure will be defined from time to time.
A student is awarded a certificate upon successfully completing the course (i.e on securing 40% marks in aggregate), in other cases it will remain incomplete. The grades awarded are as follows

Marks   Grade   Status
85 & Above   E   Excellent
75-85   A+   Very Good
60-74   A   Good
50-59   B   Moderate
40-49   C   Pass
In case of loss of a Certificate a duplicate can be issued on written request, subject to the approval of the Centre Co-ordinator and Principal and on payment of Rs.500/-
A Certificate will be given on behalf of Ramakrishna Mission Shilpamandira Computer Centre.
Course completion certificate can be issued only to students having over 70% attendance.
Students must collect their Certificates from the office within 3 months of their last exam.

- Scholarships

The institute provides scholarships to meritorious students enrolled in Career Courses (CCA, CCPA, CACPA, CSE, CBFA, CAFA & Multimedia) . The details are available from the Office.